Access to transport is a critical issue for disabled people so that they can participate equally in life and society – getting to work, study, shops, public meetings and events, etc. Accessibility matters are governed by the anti-discrimination laws in the Human Rights Act 1993.
Those laws require transport operators, like bus, train, taxi and airline companies, to make “reasonable accommodations” so that disabled people have equal access to the services these companies provide.
Te Kaupapa Nekeneke -Total Mobility Scheme
Community Law - Access to Transport
Public transport for people with disabilities or over 65
Whaikaha Accessible Travel/Te Hāereere ā-Ara Māmā ake mō ngā Tāngata Whaikaha - Auckland Transport is continually striving to improve services for people with access challenges and those with limited mobility.
Links to local services and transport options
An ACC registered provider and part of the total mobility scheme providing transportation services. Covering Warkworth, Puhoi, Mahurangi West, Maharangi East, Algies Bay, Snells Beach, Sandspit, Tawharanui Peninsula, Matakana, Omaha, Point Wells, Whangateau, Leigh, Pakiri, Whangaripo, Wellsford, Te Arai, Te Hana, Topuni, Kaiwaka, Hakaru, Mangawhai, Manugaturoto, Whakapirau, Port Albert, Wharehine, Tauhoa, Mangakura, Glorit, Makarau
Warkworth Taxi and Bus Services
For Taxi and/or Wheel Chair Capable Vehicles.
For transport or quotes, call 09 4250000 or email info@warkworthtaxiandbus.co.nz
RSA Members - Warkworth & Districts RSA
Welfare Vehicle & Trip Donations - Sponsored vehicles are available to RSA members for medical, hospital & specialist visits, and RSA activities. Phone: 09-425-8568 Email: manager@warkworthrsa.co.nz